Friday, February 11, 2022

Last year of my 20's...

This year on the 31st January I turned 29 years old and I honestly can't believe where the time has gone. Like sometimes you just sit there and think to yourself I swear I was just teen or a child and bam now your an adult with full responsibilities. I sometimes think its so crazy that I got married when I was 24 years and now I am thinking of having a kid. Life is honestly so wild when you start to put things into perspective. 

So moving on from that I want to make my 20s the best they have ever been this year. I did think that perhaps I would start a bucket list but honestly I could only think go a few things and most of them I will probably achieve over the year anyways. Everyone always say that going in to your 30's is sign of 'old age' but I know there will be people who are like way older shouting at this saying your still young old is what I am. I never once say that going in to your 30's is getting old it is just embracing what life has to throw at you. Birthdays and getting a year older is all part of life and one that I am very ready to embrace. 

I have already thought about how I would like to celebrate my 30th but to be honest there is still 11 months till my 30th and I do in fact need to get through the year of 2022! However I think it is nice to have something to look forward too, and seeing as my birthday is the first month of the year the celebrations are always low because no one wants to go out after Christmas or New Year.

I feel like I should be doing something crazy each month for the build to my 30 but then again I think maybe I should do that next year after I have turned 30th and literally celebrate for 30 days straight to enjoy my birthday. I know people nowadays try to keep things low key or just want to celebrate at home. To be fair that is how I celebrated my birthday this year but not next year. I have already started telling my family the preparations that they need to do lets see if they actually paid attention 😂. 

Anyways you will see some crazy blog posts probably randomly throughout the year of the things that I am doing and they maybe for my last year of my 20s or just general out about but I will leave that for you to work out!! 

Therefore.. I will throughly be enjoying myself this year and will defiantly be looking forward to see what the next chapter of my life will look like!! 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Food Intolerances

 Who knew that food could cause so much irritation and aggravation to your gut. So for all my loyal readers you may remember way back in 2019 when I first went to see a wonderful lady called Hannah ( recommendation thanks to Auntie Jazz) and she told me what was wrong with me and what to eat, what not eat. Well I listened to her then and actually did start to feel really good about myself and all the issues I had actually went. 

Then the pandemic happened and I tried to stick to most things she said but it was hard, but also truth be told I was giving on life so looking after myself wasn't actually my number one priority at that time. However at the end of 2021 I started getting really nauseous and throwing up after eating, which I knew wasn't right. If you all have been following we obviously know it can't be pregancy because alas I fail to get pregnant. So I knew that it had to be something else. As this is my year of healing and looking after myself I got back in touch with Hannah, and saw her just last week. 

The test that she does always takes me back, as she first puts a magnet on your shoulder and tells you top hold out your arm to see what effect it has. If your arm stays up without any issue you are fine with that food but if you arm falls down then you can't have that food. She first checked if I have had any sinister bacterial infection going on because over Christmas I had a really bad bacterial infection. She told me that my body has produced more bad bacteria then good and prescribe some homeopathic medicine that will help me clear it. 

She then moved on to the foods and this is always my favourite part because you never know what will come out. I thought all my old intolerances will still be on the list but actually they weren't apart from three. 

So the foods that I am intolerant too and can't have for six weeks are: 

  1. Wheat 
  2. Chili 
  3. Cocoa 
  4. Caffeine 
  5. Tea 
  6. Coffee 
  7. Red Wine
I honestly thought the list was going to be longer but was happy it was only a handful items but it is so hard to convert myself wheat free. As wheat is in everything, its in your carbs, your sauces, biscuits etc.. I literally mean everything. So I went last weekend and did a massive wheat free shop its just easier to buy the gluten free stuff as it is guaranteed to have no wheat in it. So before you all start thinking well if she wheat intolerant then she must be gluten well no actually. I am not gluten intolerant I just prefer to eat the gluten free, wheat free, dairy free food. I didn't have many chillies anyways that intolerance goes back to 2019 so that I was use to same. With the tea and coffee, however I have the occasionally decaf coffee if I really feel like it and tea I don't drink at all. I don't drink red wine so that didn't bother me. Cocoa is hard but again I have accustomed myself not to each the chocolate. It was really hard to give my Coke Zero and red bull sugar free but I got sprite and Fanta instead. It isn't the same thing but to be honest I think to myself I have done a week whats another 5 to go! 

There it is then, looking after yourself is so important. By giving up these foods my stomach isn't bloated and I don't feel so lethargic. It feels so nice to actually look at myself and see me again. 

I will keep you all updated in six weeks time with the outcome of the next result!!

Monday, February 7, 2022

Tarot Card

 Tarot Cards have always interested me and honestly I have always wanted to actually buy a set of cards and start to do my own readings. For my birthday this year my sister got me a set of tarot cards and they are amazing. 

The cards a set of Goddess from around the world that all represent something such as courage, rebirth, harvest etc. I did a couple of readings on my family the day I got the cards and honestly everyone was so shocked at how much of the truth was coming out for them. They all just think of their question or what issue is bothering them and I just do the reading. 

I am so excited by it all because it is something that I have always had an interest in and to finally be able to start doing my own readings is so exciting. I had my sis in law come over the weekend and did a couple of readings for her. I am going to see my friend and do a reading for her. I am just so happy that number one I get to actually do something I love. Secondly that everyone is helping me move forward with this and actually booking me to do readings for them. 

I have actually done a couple on myself just to see if what they are saying resonates and I was just so shocked with the outcome of my own reading. I love reading what each goddess represents because everyone gets such different cards that it's so interesting to see what the outcome is!

So if you have any pertinent questions or just want some guidance then reach out to me on my socials and I would be happy to help you! 

Footballers and Money

 Following on from my previous blog about Ted Lasso there was no way I couldn't write about the current state of what is happening in football. Particularly Mason Greenwood, who has recently been the press for number of charges against his ex girlfriend. When that story broke everyone was talking about it. If before you didnt know who he was then once this broke you defiantly did. However this news story about him got me thinking about footballers in general. 

This story breaking got me thinking about footballers and other sports people who are young and attain so much at a young age. He is just 20 years old and earns big money, roughly a week he earns £75,000.00. That is just pure insanity that he earns so much money at such a young age. I know that all footballers earn  big money but they don't have any support in terms of money management, guidance. If I was a 20 year old earning that much I know that I would be so stupid about it all and spend it on unnecessary things. I would probably behave like I own the whole world and that everyone should listen to me. Anyone who says that they would act differently are lying themselves. Your maturity only comes once you get older and you actually go through things in life. When your younger you know that someone will always come to your aid or will just let you off because you are young. 

I am not justifying anything that he has done. He has committed a crime and he should be punished for it. But that element of how this perhaps could of been prevented had their been support for him and someone perhaps to talk to about it. In Ted Lasso they actually bring in a psychologist and by bringing her in you can see how much she actually helps these players face their issues. Maybe that's what football clubs need to do. They need to have a support system for these players and make sure these youngsters are having the guidance that is required to ensure they don't go the path and venture down the wrong road. 

I just think that guidance and support would benefit these players heck any sportsperson who is in a role that requires them to be in the spotlight. All the factors of being in the spotlight, always being on top form, being number 1 no matter what would impact them massively. I think maybe clubs should think of this for the future and perhaps these young players would be able to manage all that pressure that they perhaps feel. 

Ted Lasso Review

 I heard about this show for a while but just never watched it. I thought I should finally put my AppleTv to some good use and watch it. I tell it was one of the funniest shows that I have ever watched. The background of the show actually comes from an advertisement that NBC did when they got the rights to show Premier League games in America. They made an advertisement where an American comes to the UK to coach Tottenham Hotspurs. 

I believe that Jason Sidekis was part of this advertisement and took the concept of that Ad and made Ted Lasso in to a show. And honestly it is so funny because we love our football in this country and to see a comical side of it is really hilarious. Its really funny because some of the characters behaviours is based on Premier League football players. It is really funny to see how an American who has coached an NFL team comes to the UK to teach a Premier League team which are different sports from each other. 

However there are many other themes that run in the show, such as touching on mental health and how that can affect players. The fact that these players are so young and earning a large amount of money, so they buy things that may not be necessary. Women are very prominent in the show, as their are two main female characters. Both the female characters are bosses in their own right as one owns the football club and the other starts her own marketing/PR business. It is so great to see two female characters actually getting along instead of being at each others throats. Even though this could be seen as a male dominant show the two females given it a sense of balance. 

Ted Lasso is honestly such a funny show and I would defiantly recommend it. I can understand why the show has won so many awards and given the go for another season. It is just so refreshing to see another point of view on the game of football. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Illness/Sickness/ Bad Health....

 "Illness - a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind."

There are so many words or connotations to say that someone is ill or that they have bad health. But no matter how you explain it or what words you use the end definition is that person has something wrong with them physically or maybe even mentally right! 

I suffer from a long list of illnesses and the funniest thing about it all is that with age these things will only get bad and that is something a doctor has confirmed to me. He literally told me that I am the 10% statistic that I have inherited all the bad genes from my family. He was like you have unfortanetly got the genes that means any illness you parent of grandparents have then you will get them. He was like look after yourself but at some point in your life you will get the illness. To be honest I had accepted this years ago before he even told me. I mean I have diabetes type 1, chronic pains and now I have asthma. So the diabetes elements is from my grandmothers. The chronic pain I have no idea which relative has had that. The asthma is from dad and that side of the family but my sister and nephew also suffer from that. 

So my mornings consist of this: 

As you can see in the picture my mornings and evenings also consist of injections, inhalers and popping pills. Without any of this I would find it very hard to do anything and that is the honest truth. I could sit here all day everyday and bang on about how hard life is for me to live with these illnesses but whats the point it isn't going to take them away or change that I have them. Instead I just embrace it, every time I get some sort of bad news from the doctors I just embrace it. Take the medicine I need to and crack on with my life. You can't let things or illnesses stop you from your enjoying your life. Yeah alright it might take you longer to do things but you can still do them if you really want too. 

I hate the Indian mentality around illness, of that your so young how on earth you could you get ill? Or how on earth can you feel this way you are young. I feel like saying to these people you idiots educate yourself. You can get any illness at any point of your life. You can feel exhaustion, pains and everything else an older person feels becasuse that is how illness and life works. We don't ask for these things they just happen. I didn't eat too much sugar as a kid for me to get diabetes! I didn't get chronic pain becuase I am overweight and I didn't get asthma because I didn't exercise enough. I got them because I got some fucked up genes and DNA thanks to my parents and ancestral family line. I think Indian people need to stop being so fucking judgmental and instead of believing everything they see on the news or social media actually use their smartphones to educate themselves on how illnesses and DNA works!! 

So I spend my days like that picture above and some days I spend it like that but from my bed. Other days I am running at 100 mph! You can never know how your body will feel when you wake up but for me the most important thing is that number one I wake up and I actually feel. Because that means I am alive and get to enjoy another day of my life!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Year of Healing

The year of 2022 for me is the year of healing and getting my health back on track. I have had so many problems over the years especially with aches and pains that I just needed to get it fixed and sorted it out. The year has consisted of seeing a chiropractor, physiotherapist and an acupuncture specialist.

I have had such a bad back and neck for so long that I actually just accepted that it would always be like that. My husband actually said I have the worlds uncrackable back as I could never click it or get rid of the tightness. So as part of my Christmas presents I received a Groupon voucher for a chiropractor and honestly it was the best thing I have got. 

Firstly, I saw the chiropractor who was so lovely and he literally told me exactly what all my pains where and how he would be able to help me fix it. All those of years of pain and suffering with my back and neck explained to me so easily. I have been going to him for nearly a month and he has helped me so much. I can't believe he is actually able to click my "unclickable" back. He explained that I have sciatica in my neck and that is causing issues in my lower back. It is amazing how much better you can start to feel once you get someone who can clearly state the problem and fix it. I still have a long way to go but the progress that has been made in the last few weeks are such a reassurance that things will only get better. 

Secondly, I am seeing a new physiotherapist as my old one wasn't very good. So I diagnosed with a frozen shoulder at the end of 2020. At first I thought it was just my usual shoulder pain but the doctors confirmed it. My old physiotherapist wasn't good so I was told about another one and he has helped me out so much. I honestly sing his praises to everyone and how much he has helped me. I wasn't even able to do daily tasks like wash my hair or even change my clothes but with his help I have so much more mobility in my shoulder and arm. Sky therapy has helped me so much. I have been to see him about 4 times all ready and their is such an improvement. I know I have some more work to put in but just knowing that it is getting better makes me feel so much better about it. 

Lastly, I have been going to see an acupuncture. As you are all aware of my fertility issues and the never ending saga of periods and then no periods, that obviously is causing a lot of fertility problems for me. So I was advised my some friends to try out acupuncture to see if that helps. I have had about three sessions and its really weird after every session because I feel different. Sometimes I feel like I have bad cramps, sometimes I feel really tired and sometimes I just feel like my legs will give out. |t is crazy how little needles that are placed in a particular place can have such an effect on the body. She explains that certain needles are for hormones, the others are for energy. Every time I go there she just says relax and the first few times I couldn't as I was like their are needles sticking out of me but now I am so tired I automatically just relax. Let's see if it helps. She said that this may not be the answer because ovulation and pregnancy is something that can just happen when you least expect it. But even if doesn't help with the pregnancy  it would be relief if it helps with the periods.

It is insane that just in the month of January I have managed to have all these appointments and already feel like my body is already starting to improve and heal. A healthy body is the key to achieving a healthy mind, well they say something like that. 

Drinks Review - Top Supermakets

I love sparkling water especially the flavoured ones. It all kinda stems from having yeh diabetes. When my blood sugar use to get high whic...