Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Illness/Sickness/ Bad Health....

 "Illness - a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind."

There are so many words or connotations to say that someone is ill or that they have bad health. But no matter how you explain it or what words you use the end definition is that person has something wrong with them physically or maybe even mentally right! 

I suffer from a long list of illnesses and the funniest thing about it all is that with age these things will only get bad and that is something a doctor has confirmed to me. He literally told me that I am the 10% statistic that I have inherited all the bad genes from my family. He was like you have unfortanetly got the genes that means any illness you parent of grandparents have then you will get them. He was like look after yourself but at some point in your life you will get the illness. To be honest I had accepted this years ago before he even told me. I mean I have diabetes type 1, chronic pains and now I have asthma. So the diabetes elements is from my grandmothers. The chronic pain I have no idea which relative has had that. The asthma is from dad and that side of the family but my sister and nephew also suffer from that. 

So my mornings consist of this: 

As you can see in the picture my mornings and evenings also consist of injections, inhalers and popping pills. Without any of this I would find it very hard to do anything and that is the honest truth. I could sit here all day everyday and bang on about how hard life is for me to live with these illnesses but whats the point it isn't going to take them away or change that I have them. Instead I just embrace it, every time I get some sort of bad news from the doctors I just embrace it. Take the medicine I need to and crack on with my life. You can't let things or illnesses stop you from your enjoying your life. Yeah alright it might take you longer to do things but you can still do them if you really want too. 

I hate the Indian mentality around illness, of that your so young how on earth you could you get ill? Or how on earth can you feel this way you are young. I feel like saying to these people you idiots educate yourself. You can get any illness at any point of your life. You can feel exhaustion, pains and everything else an older person feels becasuse that is how illness and life works. We don't ask for these things they just happen. I didn't eat too much sugar as a kid for me to get diabetes! I didn't get chronic pain becuase I am overweight and I didn't get asthma because I didn't exercise enough. I got them because I got some fucked up genes and DNA thanks to my parents and ancestral family line. I think Indian people need to stop being so fucking judgmental and instead of believing everything they see on the news or social media actually use their smartphones to educate themselves on how illnesses and DNA works!! 

So I spend my days like that picture above and some days I spend it like that but from my bed. Other days I am running at 100 mph! You can never know how your body will feel when you wake up but for me the most important thing is that number one I wake up and I actually feel. Because that means I am alive and get to enjoy another day of my life!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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