Friday, February 11, 2022

Last year of my 20's...

This year on the 31st January I turned 29 years old and I honestly can't believe where the time has gone. Like sometimes you just sit there and think to yourself I swear I was just teen or a child and bam now your an adult with full responsibilities. I sometimes think its so crazy that I got married when I was 24 years and now I am thinking of having a kid. Life is honestly so wild when you start to put things into perspective. 

So moving on from that I want to make my 20s the best they have ever been this year. I did think that perhaps I would start a bucket list but honestly I could only think go a few things and most of them I will probably achieve over the year anyways. Everyone always say that going in to your 30's is sign of 'old age' but I know there will be people who are like way older shouting at this saying your still young old is what I am. I never once say that going in to your 30's is getting old it is just embracing what life has to throw at you. Birthdays and getting a year older is all part of life and one that I am very ready to embrace. 

I have already thought about how I would like to celebrate my 30th but to be honest there is still 11 months till my 30th and I do in fact need to get through the year of 2022! However I think it is nice to have something to look forward too, and seeing as my birthday is the first month of the year the celebrations are always low because no one wants to go out after Christmas or New Year.

I feel like I should be doing something crazy each month for the build to my 30 but then again I think maybe I should do that next year after I have turned 30th and literally celebrate for 30 days straight to enjoy my birthday. I know people nowadays try to keep things low key or just want to celebrate at home. To be fair that is how I celebrated my birthday this year but not next year. I have already started telling my family the preparations that they need to do lets see if they actually paid attention ðŸ˜‚. 

Anyways you will see some crazy blog posts probably randomly throughout the year of the things that I am doing and they maybe for my last year of my 20s or just general out about but I will leave that for you to work out!! 

Therefore.. I will throughly be enjoying myself this year and will defiantly be looking forward to see what the next chapter of my life will look like!! 

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