Thursday, February 10, 2022

Food Intolerances

 Who knew that food could cause so much irritation and aggravation to your gut. So for all my loyal readers you may remember way back in 2019 when I first went to see a wonderful lady called Hannah ( recommendation thanks to Auntie Jazz) and she told me what was wrong with me and what to eat, what not eat. Well I listened to her then and actually did start to feel really good about myself and all the issues I had actually went. 

Then the pandemic happened and I tried to stick to most things she said but it was hard, but also truth be told I was giving on life so looking after myself wasn't actually my number one priority at that time. However at the end of 2021 I started getting really nauseous and throwing up after eating, which I knew wasn't right. If you all have been following we obviously know it can't be pregancy because alas I fail to get pregnant. So I knew that it had to be something else. As this is my year of healing and looking after myself I got back in touch with Hannah, and saw her just last week. 

The test that she does always takes me back, as she first puts a magnet on your shoulder and tells you top hold out your arm to see what effect it has. If your arm stays up without any issue you are fine with that food but if you arm falls down then you can't have that food. She first checked if I have had any sinister bacterial infection going on because over Christmas I had a really bad bacterial infection. She told me that my body has produced more bad bacteria then good and prescribe some homeopathic medicine that will help me clear it. 

She then moved on to the foods and this is always my favourite part because you never know what will come out. I thought all my old intolerances will still be on the list but actually they weren't apart from three. 

So the foods that I am intolerant too and can't have for six weeks are: 

  1. Wheat 
  2. Chili 
  3. Cocoa 
  4. Caffeine 
  5. Tea 
  6. Coffee 
  7. Red Wine
I honestly thought the list was going to be longer but was happy it was only a handful items but it is so hard to convert myself wheat free. As wheat is in everything, its in your carbs, your sauces, biscuits etc.. I literally mean everything. So I went last weekend and did a massive wheat free shop its just easier to buy the gluten free stuff as it is guaranteed to have no wheat in it. So before you all start thinking well if she wheat intolerant then she must be gluten well no actually. I am not gluten intolerant I just prefer to eat the gluten free, wheat free, dairy free food. I didn't have many chillies anyways that intolerance goes back to 2019 so that I was use to same. With the tea and coffee, however I have the occasionally decaf coffee if I really feel like it and tea I don't drink at all. I don't drink red wine so that didn't bother me. Cocoa is hard but again I have accustomed myself not to each the chocolate. It was really hard to give my Coke Zero and red bull sugar free but I got sprite and Fanta instead. It isn't the same thing but to be honest I think to myself I have done a week whats another 5 to go! 

There it is then, looking after yourself is so important. By giving up these foods my stomach isn't bloated and I don't feel so lethargic. It feels so nice to actually look at myself and see me again. 

I will keep you all updated in six weeks time with the outcome of the next result!!

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