Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Cousins Reunion

 I bet you're all reading that title and be thinking why would you need a cousins reunion, surely you all talk and see each other. Well an interesting fact is that actually haven't seen all my cousins since my Nan's funeral which was back in 2015 but no one of us really spoke and there was some missing. I think when I was younger was the last time that we had all go together and over that time we got married, had babies and basically just got set up in our own lives. 

Before I get in to the ins and outs of the reunion you all need some backstory of me and my family to actually understand the reunion. So the cousins that I met are all from my mum's side of the family. So here goes with the breakdown of my mum's family. My mum is the youngest of 5 siblings, she has two older brothers and then two older sisters. Her eldest brother has 2 sons, then her second brother has 1 boy and 2 girls, her eldest sister has 2 sons and her other sister had 1 daughter and 1 son. When I was younger her daughter passed away but we always remember her. Then my mum has 2 girls and 1 boy. So in total there is 11 of us cousins. 

So that is the family breakdown of us all and as you can imagine this was a long time coming. When we were younger we use to be at each others houses all the time, Christmas and New Years were always spent together. Then life happened and adults happened, we all just kinda went our separate ways but we finally created a WhatsApp group and booked in a dinner. 

On Saturday afternoon we all ventured to meet in Milton Keynes as that was the location that was picked and met at a restaurant. Everyone came with their families expect for one person that was due to them being unwell. However the rest of us all got together and it was so lovely. At first we didn't know what to expect as it has been a long time since we have all been together and we have all grown up. My husband and one of my cousins partners didn't come either. Well my husband was working but also slightly from my point of view I hadn't seen my cousins in ages and I kinda just wanted to see how it would be with me. Furthermore see how the conversation was flowing and how we would all be. 

It was nice to see everyone and see their families because apart from my nephew that I live with. My two cousins sisters have kids and it was lovely to see them. MY cousin who is the eldest out of us all has kids but his kids are older and to be honest we all saw them grow up they were around when we all use to be really close. It was nice to catch up with everyone and find out what they are up to. 

I feel like the only downfall of having a reunion in a restaurant is that at times we were just stuck in our seats and it was hard to have a conversation with everyone or even long conversations. I feel like when we have the next reunion it should defiantly be at someones house as it would be a more relaxed setting for the kids to run around and the adults to have a good catch up. Also another idea could be for just the adults to go out so we aren't all worrying about the little kiddies and actually be able to converse with each other. 

Check out my socials for the pics from the reunion: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/navs_nonsense/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NavsNonsense/

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