Thursday, January 6, 2022

2021 - 2022

 Normally every year I write a breakdown of what has happened in that year. However this year I felt like doing something different, I didn't feel like writing the usual so I am just going to give a brief of what has happened and just that there is so much to look forward. 

2022 will be much similar to 2021 in terms of family weddings, last year we had so many family weddings and functions. Only one was in peak covid times and that was an experience in itself. It was weird to get all dressed up only to be sitting around and waiting as we couldn't actually attend the ceremony itself. However we were very lucky that all the other weddings and party functions weren't in peak Covid times and we really got to enjoy them. 

I don't want to sit here and write about all the good/ bad of 2021 because you know what there was a mixture of it all like there always is. Everything that was meant to happen last year probably happened. There was tears, laughter and everything in between. 

This year I will really be focusing on healing myself, physically and mentally. The last few years have been so draining and I can feel the toll on my body. I just feel like this year the outloook is a good one because a heatlhy mine and body will let you achieve anything. 

So the new year started and with a new book to fill with pages of all the good and bad stuff that will happen. You will always have both as they balance each other out, and that's alright it doesn't mean that it will be a bad year nor will it mean that this will be the best year of my life. But I turn 29 this year so I want to go in to the 30's next year with a much healthier mind and body! 

Let's see what this year holds for all of us! 

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