Sunday, July 23, 2023

Your Narrative

You know what I have been thinking a lot and probably thinking about writing every day but something always stops me. Today I have found that motivation I have been looking for! I don't know if it will be a really long post or a few short ones but put it this way my fingers were itching to get on the Mac and starting typing away. 

Recently things have been happening and they are starting to put things in to perspective for me. I am very loud about mental health and an advocate for counselling. I started therapy at the beginning of this year and it didn't work out the way I thought. I started work and thought to myself I should utilise the therapist that we have at work. I didn't do it because shit was bad, I started talking to her because I felt lost. We had six sessions and the perspective I have gained from those sessions has been so enlightening. It feels like the 'old Nav' inside of me has woken up. She is trying to break through from this mould that has been created by others for the type of person I should be. 

One realisation out of the many that I have had is that no one can change your narrative of your life story. They can try and they can try to acknowledge that you didn't do something or you didn't do it the way that you thought but ultimately they can't actually take the truth away from you. Recently so many people have said things to me and I stop think about it. I think to myself why are you trying to change my narrative to make yours look better? 

I look back at my life and I think I have been through a lot. I have experienced a lot some of it good and some of it bad. But at the end of it all I am Still Standing! It is like people forget that you have done something that has some sort of link to their life. It is as if they need to make you look in a bad light to make themeless and others look good. 

When this use to happen to me I would let them change the narrative or perhaps even just dismiss what they were saying because I couldn't be bothered with the fact that people would use me and my life situations to make themselves look good. But now I am like, you can't do that. You can't take my narrative away from me to make yourself or others be good around you. 

I guess as life goes on and you get older you kinda realise what is important? Who is important? And why it is important? 

I guess no matter what happens you shouldn't ever lose your narrative! its your life story and you need to make sure your life is told the way you know it and not the way someone else wants you to! 

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