Tuesday, July 5, 2022


 Do you ever just feel that life is passing you by so quickly and you just can't get a grasp of it? I just feel like I am under so much right now and I cant stop myself from drowning. I feel like I am just going through some quicksand and can't stop myself from sinking. Everyone says that everything happens for a reason or that it will all just work out and I don't feel like that will be the case. 

I am not someone who sits there and talks about their problems, perhaps talking might help me but somethings I just like to keep private and I am a bit worried that someone's envy or jealous would get the best of the situation. If something didn't work out I would believe its because I told that person. I know how funny that sounds but I have grown up always hearing about nazar (evil eye) and believing in that so much. Even if you don't want to believe in it, I just feel like you can't help yourself in the situation. 

I feel like I need a lifeboat to just save me and help me breathe. Honestly as life is getting on the stresses are getting more and more. Life isn't enjoyable if this is how it is going to be. 

I know I'm just going on and perhaps even going off track but I just needed to vent and this is my release my most public diary! I love actually just writing even if it is about all the ugly at least it is somewhere because when I do have good days the bad days don't so bad after all. 

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