Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Food Intolerances Part 2

Yesterday was my six weeks of being off the foods that I was intolerant too. Yesterday was basically to tell me what I can or can't eat. So she only checks the foods that you are intolerant too and if you can have them slowly or if you have to cut them out completely. 

If you have not already read my previous post then I was intolerant to the following foods: 

  • Wheat 
  • Cocoa 
  • Chilies 
  • Caffeine 
  • Red Wine 
I had to be strict for six weeks and was it hard. It was harder to give up the cocoa then anything else on that list. Plus cocoa seems to be in everything. I went from eating as usual to being so conscious about what I was eating. Being wheat free was actually the easiest thing out of all them as their is so much accessibility to wheat free products. I find that Tesco actually has the most variety out of all the supermarkets. And let me tell you eating out was ok and places are very accommodating. But however takeaways aren't, its so hard to find a good takeaway that doesn't contain wheat. I have had a McDonald's burger without the bap, dominos pizza gluten free is the best and I have just about found a kebab that doesn't contain wheat. That is literally as far as I have got with it. I am sure that their are other options but I don't really know them. It is gutting that I can't have a KFC or fish from a chippy! But for me its not the end of the well. And to be honest I prefer the wheat free options that I have been eating. 

So like I said I hit my six weeks yesterday and she re did my test. So I am able to eat chilies and have red wine again. I don't really drink red wine so that one doesn't really bother me and to be honest I don't mind not having chilies so have decided I will only eat them when I am out and about at home I like my food chilli free. 

That's what I can eat and yes you guessed it. I can't have wheat at all, my body just can't seem to tolerate it. Nor can I have cocoa and caffeine, I suppose these will be harder to give up in the long term but I knew all these three things didn't suit me as I would always get super ill after having them. So I always tried to avoid eating them but temptation would always get the best of me. Now I know I defiantly can't have them, I will be staying away. 

Overall, I don't need to go for a retest and just have to adapt to eating these things and if I am honest I am happier for it because it means that my stomach isn't going to bloat and I won't have to keep running to the bathroom or violently throwing up. So in the long run its much better to have these things cut out of my diet.

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