Monday, May 13, 2024

Baby Reindeer Review

 How could I not be discussing about the biggest show that has hit the UK in the past few weeks?!? 

Yes you have guessed correctly - Baby Reindeer! This show has been sitting at the most watched No.1 show I feel like for the past few weeks. You can't go on to Netflix without at least seeing the Title name pop up or the trailer. 

I was going to hold off on watching it as I felt that I had experienced watching it all via TikTok but then that interview came out with the 'real life Martha' on Piers Morgan. I thought to myself that I really do need to watch it properly and instead of the 2/3 minute clips that have been popping up on my TikTok. 

This weekend I gave myself a whole evening to binge watch this show. To be honest the shows are around 30 minutes long and I think there are 7 episodes so it was easily done. I settled down and started to prepare myself of the show and to see what happened with Richard Gadd and his 'stalker' Martha. 

As soon as I started to watch the show what captured my attention is how closely the voices matched for the Martha in the show and the Martha in real life. It was eerie at how similar they both sounded. I watched the show and you can see that throughout it there are some sort of problems with Martha. She seems like she is confident but I don't think that she is. I think she has created this persona of a world that suites her. For her to make up a story or scenario just rolls of her tongue. It is like when you start making up stories for children you say things that you know will want to keep them safe. She does the same thing, she says things that she knows will keep her safe. 

As many problems as Martha has, I feel like Richard Gadd didn't help in the situation. He was feeling low and in a negative space that he used this attention he was receiving from her to his own personal verficiation. He had many opportunities to report her but he waited six months until he did. She was sending him thousands of communication in a day and he even went on to assault him. He still waited! 

His whole thought process behind it all doesnt make any sense. So many things happen to him throughout the serious of these 2/3years and he still keeps going back to Martha in some way. Whether that's checking her emails or listening to her voicemails he needs some sort of verification that she is still in her life. It was interesting to watch the show and for him to express how he processed things and why he did what he did. It all seems very confusion as a viewer as you're trying to understand why he made the moves that he did. 

Baby Reindeer is probably one of the weirdest shows that I have seen in a while. I feel like I have more answers about what I watched then actually understanding why it even happened. 

If you haven't seen Baby Reindeer yet I would recommend that you watch it and I can understand all the hype around it. Baby Reindeer is available to watch on Netflix

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