Monday, January 30, 2023

End of a Decade.. Bye Bye 20's

 Today is my last official day of being in my 20's and tomorrow I turn the ripe old age of 30 years old. I share everything with you wonderful readers so am going to share this pivotal moment in my life too. Recently I have really been thinking about the last 10 years and everything that has been achieved in my 20's. 

When I turned 20 honestly it was amazing and the beginning of my 20's was incredible. I experienced so much of life. I finished education as soon as I came in to my 20's and that was such a pivotal moment. It was like all my life I had spent in education, there was that routine of getting up and learning to then just floating and trying to find my feet. Let me tell you that I still haven't found my feet, I am still guessing myself as to where I want to work, what career would I like? Where do I see my life path going? When I was younger I thought that I would have my life figured out by the time I was in my late 20s and now I am out of that I still don't feel like I have anything figured out at all. 

20 year old of me would of been so scared that I didn't have my life together at this age but honestly I am actually so happy to be embracing my 30's. I actually am so excited for the things that I have been planned and for the future ideas that I have brewing. I pray that they all fortify and become in to something so amazing. 

I thought that when you hit your 30s that your life would all be figured out but it is not and let me tell you something it never is. Even people who look like they have life figured out they actually don't they just let on that they do. So advice I would give to my younger self is don't freak out, plans don't always work out but everything and I mean everything happens for a reason. 

So here are the top 29 things that have happened or I have learned in my 20's: 

  1. I went to a private university and obtained a degree in just under 2 years instead of 3. 
  2. I met one of my best friends at university and ten years later we are still as close as ever. 
  3. I got married which was an experience in itself. 
  4. I put myself out there and started making my self more present on social media. 
  5. I learned that grief can really shape the type of person you are.
  6. That true family and friends will stick with you no matter what happens in life. 
  7. I got my first tattoo. 
  8. I dyed my hair blonde and loved every minute of it. 
  9. I went to so many festivals and concerts. 
  10. Travelled to Australia, Bali, Canada, India and that is just the start of my travel journey. 
  11. Met so many people some who changed my life and others who made me learn a lot 
  12. Went on some great road trips with my bestie and friends 
  13. Learned how important my health really is when it constantly was turning point for me as the years went by 
  14. Had many firsts, got my first job, first experience of finding love, first experience of learning to be by myself 
  15. Putting my social media content out there for everyone to see and actually gaining positive feedback 
  16. Got my wonderful car the a BMW 1 series and haven't ever been able to replace it since its been gone. 
  17. I had so much fun interning at a magazine and if I could do it again I would in a heartbeat 
  18. Went to India and worked which was an experience in a good and bad way but all worth it 
  19. Went to see so many new places in England that I never would've before (thank you Covid) 
  20. Gained some new family and friends along the way that are here for life. 
  21. Saw Michael McIntyre live and was on TV 
  22. Played so much mini golf and honestly getting better at it 
  23. Went to see so many zoos, day trips 
  24. Went to Royal Ascot for the first time ever 
  25. Learnt so much about traditions at weddings due to my in-laws having at least minimum 3 wedding a year that has a lot of preparation in to them 
  26. Went Winter Wonderland so many times from 20 years old - to present 
  27. Went to The Ritz for Afternoon Tea 
  28. Went to the Shard endless times 
  29. Went to a chiropractor which was a first! 

That list was a lot harder than I had anticipated and to be honest I have probably missed out so much but a decade is really hard to cover in one blog post. But here it is my last ten years in a nutshell. 

Here are some pics to showcase the fun that I have been having: 

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