Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Operations Suck

I have a written the opening to this blog like three times. For some reason I can't find the words to what I want to say. The last few weeks have been really tough but it is not only the last few weeks the last few months have been tough. I feel like I met my breaking point at the end of August and to be honest it is taking me a long time to get my head around things. 

So at the end of August I found a massive lump inside my left thigh. I kinda ignored it as I thought it would just go away by itself but it didn't. We had a paath (prayer) in Coventry that weekend and I just powered though. My leg would be killing and I wouldn't even be able to have a shower because it was so painful. It was bank holiday Monday so I couldn't get a doctors appointment but come Tuesday I got an emergency appointment. The doctor wasn't very helpful she was like I think it could be a boil or abscess so you can either take the antibiotics or go hospital. I opted for the antibiotics. I took the antibiotics for 48 hours and within that time my leg was letting puss out and blood out. I put a big dressing on it but the puss and stuff wouldn't stop coming out. My mum was like you don't look right, the colour was draining from my face so we had to call out an ambulance. The paramedics thought I may have sepsis so they call ahead and informed the hospital that I was coming. When I got to the hospital I had to wait awhile for a bead and then they put me in a bay. They took my bloods and hooked an IV to my arm with antibiotics just in case I did have sepsis. I got to the hospital at 7.15pm and they didn't come back to me until 10.30pm to tell me that I didn't have sepsis but that the abscess would need to be removed. The first doctor that came told me she could drain it there and then but would need a second opioion. The second doctor was like nope they can't do it they would need a surgeon to remove it. I then had to wait for the surgeon who said that he wouldn't do it now but would look at doing it in the morning and that I couldn't eat anything after 1am. So at this point its 11.15pm and my last meal was at 2pm. I was starving, I wanted to go home and honestly I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere with the hospital. They booked everything in and told me to come back around 6am. I came home just before midnight and ate my dinner quickly went to bed. 

The next morning the day of mine and my husband's 5th Wedding anniversary we woke up and ventured to the hospital at 6.30am. We both were so tired and so hungry but honestly we just wanted it over and done with. I was told to wait in the A&E waiting area and the chairs were so uncomfortable. I waited for like 2 hours and no one called out my name. I went to the girl and receptionist and explained to her that I was told my surgery was going to be in the morning but no one has come to see me. She went to find out and it turned out that I was moved out general surgery to orthopedic and that a doctor from that department will come to see me. That doctor did not come to see me until lunchtime and that was to inform me he needed to speak to the surgeon so that they could decide if my surgery was going to be done today and also there plan of action. He was like bear with me for like 30 mins and I will be back. That man disappeared for 2 hours and then he came back with the surgeon. The surgeon had a look at it and told me what they would have to do and if they could do it today or not. At this point it has been like 13 hours since both me and my husband have eaten. And as a diabetic that is really risky and dangerous. I couldn't even drink water because they were like we may do your surgery today. After another 2 hours of waiting a nurse called me and they put another cannula in my arm because they thought I was going to have surgery. It turns out that I couldn't have surgery that evening and that I could go home and come back in the morning. We left the hospital around 4.30pm/5ish and honestly I was exhausted. I didn't even think that I could go back another day but I had to get this fixed. I munched so much food as I was so hungry. I went to my cousins house as it was my nieces 18th Birthday Party and I wanted to be with my family. My husband stayed at home and went to sleep as we were both so exhausted. 

The next day I was going to give up but my husband was like let's go and let's get this fixed. We went to at around 7am and the doctor who I spoke to the day before was coming in for his shift around 8am. By 9 am the doctor came to see me and he got me all set up in a room. The surgeon came to see me and it was different one from the day before. She again told me what she was going to do and what would happen after the surgery. They found me a bed and within thirty minutes I was on a ward. I was told that my surgery was going to be at 1.30pm I was trying not to get my hopes but I was really tired of waiting around. At 1.30pm they told me that it had been pushed to 6pm. I was getting really fed up and hungry. My husband called my sister and she dropped off some food for him because he was like one day of starving was enough. I waited all afternoon and my arm was killing from the cannula and all the IV drips they had me hooked to. They had me on sliding scale for my insulin as my blood sugar was creeping up. I finally got taken to surgery at 7pm and spoke to the anaesthesia they were like you need to stay awake. I had so much anxiety going in to the operation because it was such a stressful experience getting there. Around 9pm I woke up in the recovery room and I felt so trapped in my body. All I remember is crying and shouting, the nurse and doctor comforted me told me where I was and then I calmed down. They gave me fentanyl and codeine for the pain which made me feel horrible. Going back to the ward was so horrible because my head of spinning. As soon as I got back to the ward I started throwing up because I hadn't eaten and had these horrible drugs. There was a lovely lady on my ward who gave me a banana which settled my stomach. I was so tired I just wanted to sleep but they kept checking up on me every hour. Around 1am I was so desperate for the toilet and a nurse came to help me. That's when I realised the size of the bandage it was massive. I then woken up at around 7am and my husband came by 9am. As that is when visiting hours opened. The surgeon came to see me and basically was like you should stay in the hospital so that we can hook you up to an IV drip and was giving me such extreme measures of what could happen to my leg. I was like I can't stay here, like its been such a horrible experience and now you are adding things that don't need to be added. 

I finally discharged myself, took my antibiotics home and was told that I could just go and see my GP for the dressing change which I preferred. As soon as I was home, I didn't do anything for 7 days for a number reasons the main one being that the bandage was so big I couldn't even wear pants only shorts. When I went to the doctor after the 7 days they were shocked at home much packing they had put in the wound. The wound was open and that was the only way it could heal. It had so much depth to it and so much width to it, I got my mum to see and she as like it looks like lips. So from that point until last week I was at the doctors three times a week. This is the first week where I am going twice and there is less packing and the wound has gone a lot smaller. But I still have the bandage and I still get very tired if too much friction happens to it. So I am not at the end yet and its been such an ordeal but I am praying and hoping that it heals very soon! 

So that is why I haven't been active on socials, or written any blogs and even made any videos. I just haven't been myself and I am hoping that I get to myself very soon. 

Health always comes first so remember to look after yourself and if something isn't right then defiantly get it checked out! 

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