Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Going Old Skool..

 Welcome back to my lovely readers and followers. 

I am back and I know it isn't how you were all expecting me to back but the website is under major reconstruction. It needed a new look and that will take me time. Well actually my husband because he is the technical brain behind it all. I just make all the videos and make it all look snazzy!! 

However my dear hubby is very busy with his work so my website is taking a little longer then usual, so I am going back to the Old Skool way of writing my blogs. 

So for the time being I will be uploading all my crazy Nav's Nonsense content on here. I really missed writing and I really missed just sharing all my views, thoughts and crazy anecdotes with you all. 

So I hope you all enjoy reading them and let me know if there is something in particular that you want me to write about. I love hearing about other peoples life experiences and it may help someone who comes across this blog page!

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